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Dunkers AKA Savoiardi Cookies

One of many special memories that I had as a kid was what my Nonna offered us for breakfast when we had sleepovers.  We didn’t have sugary breakfast cereals like Captain Crunch. Instead, we got to have a home baked cookie called Savoirdi which we could dunk into coffee.  Dunking these hard cookies into your coffee in the morning served two purposes.  Firstly, it was straight up delicious; and secondly, the sugar from the cookie often made your black coffee sweeter, win-win. This recipe is a go-to that any family should have. It also makes quite a bit so that you can always freeze them and bring them up when your supply is low or when you have company.

Dunking these hard cookies into your coffee in the morning served two purposes, first - well it was straight up delicious and second - the sugar from the cookie often make your black coffee sweeter, win-win.


Rind of one lemon

6 eggs

1 ½ cups sugar

1 ½ cups oil

1 cup milk

6 tbsp baking powder

Approx. 7 ½ cups of flour


    • Whisk the liquids together
    • Add flour and baking powder mix well
    • Place dough on a floured counter knead until soft
    • Taking a little piece at a time and roll it out
    • Once flat take a fork and lightly scratch with the back of the fork  so it makes the lines
    • Brush with milk and sprinkle sugar on top
    • Using a pastry wheel cut the cookies into long rows and cut opposite way making approx. 4 inch cookies in length
    • Place cookies on a baking sheet and cook at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until golden brown

1 Comment

  • margaret zajac

    great stuff.

    March 13, 2019 at 8:20 am